Monday, February 29, 2016

Using and personal Gain

My big issue in a home life
Rant *
Nothing make me more mad than seeing some that love his/her family and they never call more message but think him/her are supposed to be at family gathering when 3 months have gone by with no call or nothing . It might be mean but if you want him/her at or in you life it should not be cause it a holiday or birthday or cause you need something from them . His//her will make choice to remove person or persons from their life .
If person /persons only call to get personal gain then why would i bother with said person . Feeling are hurt and moods are high do lack of contact . Sad to say this happens a lot in real life .  I don't go to facebook invites or sales or other stupid crap i get invites to these days . If you don't put the time in to call me or send me a paper invite i don't go . A facebook invite is tacky.  All i am saying why would i put effort if you don't put effort into contacting me . I know that the internet has taken over the world but i don't care effort is effort and if you don't put forth that effort i won't either .
* those that want to spend time with you make effort others only when they want something from you * aka the users

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