Friday, March 18, 2016

she waited to die/11years ago today

well , how should i start this  years ago today i lost one of the greats in my life . My nana she love you and she loved you hard . she was not ashamed to bust your ass but she was more then happy to give you what you wanted . I have thought about her every single dad in my life . When she died i remember little things .

It was 2005 i was in high school in social studies glass . I got called down to the office when i got there my mom was in tears she did not have to say a thing cause i new nan had passed away being the person that i am i did not go home with her i went back to glass  i dont really know what happen much after that . I remembered the funeral and then nothing more till the day my papal passed away ... I think during this time i shut down and closed off everything around me .

my nan had cancer and was in springfield hospice care ........

I refused to go an say good by until my mom friend told me i better get my ass down there and say goodbye ... No one still think i did but i remember what happened when i went . I got off school and went . i walked in and i look down at her and i said i love you nana . i will never forget what she said to me " no you don't " . I still think i should have not gone because of that .
she died days later . my mom friend told me that everyone she love said goodbye but one person me and when i went she was happy to leave . Maybe if i did go she would have made it and be here today why would she be waiting on we were not close at the end we hated each other . In all that shows the no matter what love is love if she was waiting on me i glad she at peace or not ... she still here in ghost from no somethime i see her in the hall or walking around with those damn polar bear pjs .

My nan ashes are in the house but never put them in a car she get mad as hell . she flipped a 50 pound mixer out . she loosened  a tired no joke ...... she hates car rides ......

never take your loved one for granted love them everyday even if they're mad at you tell them at least they no you love them even threw the hate

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